Icon of Style - David Bowie

It's no secret the David Bowie is into fashion...after all he's been quite vocal on the subject as it's the title to one of his best songs. He was the original trendsetter, starting that now tired rock cliche by marrying a super model (still happily married we might add). However, when we say he's a fashion icon, we're not talking about his costumes for all the different persona's during the years such as Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin Sane, etc...which were wild and admirable in their own right, but rather drawing your attention to his personal style. The suits, the scarves, the hairstyles; all which have influenced both men and women over the years to the present day. From his early twenties, this lithe man has been clothing himself in slim, tailored suits, tight leather jackets and hair styles that showcase his good genetics. As he has aged, he has become more refined but no less iconic with his style now focusing on more dapper, sombre colours and that ever present neck scarf. More inspirational photos after the jump.

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