Sunday, July 31, 2011

Victory Barber & Brand - Victoria, BC

We've noticed a trend in men's grooming in that the boyish and tousled hairstyles of the previous decade are slowly being fazed out and more and more men are adopting a more timeless and groomed approach to their hair and overall appearance. Perhaps it is the power that the TV series Mad Men has over pop culture, or perhaps it is the longing for the perceived simpler and therefore by default happier era's of the 30's, 40's and 50's. Whatever the reason for the trend (word usage picked based on a lack of a better term) we love it.  There's a sophistication in it that has been missing in men for some time, and with that sophistication it is also again cool to look, smell and feel like a man.  On a recent long weekend jaunt to Vancouver Island, we discovered Victory Barber & Brand, a barber shop and mens grooming product mecca that is in keeping with the afore mentioned sophistication and masculine styling.  Replete with wood and aged steel, and smelling like your Grandfather's dressing table, this store blew us away with it's decor, product selection and service. We met Matty, Joshua and Paul (all impeccably cool and groomed) and left the store regretting our recent haircut, out of both quality and because we feel we missed a golden opportunity for a truly great grooming experience.  We've been to Hawleywood's in Long Beach, arguably the first in the re-imagining of the barbershop, and although great, they have nothing on Victory.  Check out the pics after the jump to get an idea of what we're talking about.  Matty did mention that they're contemplating a Vancouver store front, and we're keeping our fingers crossed...Victoria is a long way to go for a haircut.
1315 Blanshard Street
Victoria, BC

Icon of Style - Perry Farrell

Everybody wishes they could get away with dressing like a rock star.  It takes some serious balls to pull off...that, and a whimsical fashion sense mixed with the practical sensibilities of a biker.  That being said...some rock 'n' rollers go the other way, and manage to pull off the sophisticated look of the dandy and still keep themselves away from androgyny. Perry Farrell, the founder and front man for such great groups like Jane's Addiction, Porno for Pyros and Satellite Party has always had a style of his own, and with time and age he has managed to keep improving on his style rather than clinging to the look of his hey days (a notable pitfall in the aging music scene). That in itself says a great deal about the progressive leanings that Mr. Farrell has, but to add to that; fashion Juggernaut John Varvatos thought Perry's look was so interesting, he was picked for the 2008 Varvatos advertising campaign.  We'll just let the pictures speak for themselves, of which there are more of after the jump.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Brooklyn Slate Company - Cheese Board

Always on the hunt for something new with regards to tableware and serving apparati, we have come across these beautiful slate cheeseboards made by Brooklyn Slate Company.  Aside from the obvious aesthetic advantage over the traditional serving dishes, the non-porous properties of slate make it impervious to mold and fungus while also resisting decay and discolouring.  Due to their natural origins and minimal processing, each product is one of a kind having unique shapes, cuts and colours.  Our favourite is the included soap stone pencil for labelling all the wonderful items you'll be feeding your guests.  That all being said...there's nothing stopping you from taking this idea, and going to a slate or tile dealer in your region and getting almost the same thing, albeit minus the plethora of shapes (just make sure they're not treated).  You can learn more here.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Furniture People

If you love furniture and quirky art then you'll love experimental filmmaker Stanley VanDerBeek's The Furniture People.  While he was well known for his films, VanDerBeek was also an accomplished painter and sculptor and this is just one example of his whimsical creations but we thought it deserved some new attention.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Peter Crawley

Peter Crawley creates the most spectacular stitched illustrations.  Some of his latest works include a piece for Wallpaper magazine which is no small feat, but his portfolio includes many striking artworks. The illustrations are created by hand piercing watercolour paper with a pin and then stitching the paper with a needle and cotton thread.  The method in which he develops his art is in itself pretty unique but what makes us instant admirers are the incredibly complex yet suitably simple graphics he creates.  Some commissioned by luxury retailers and others inspired by a road trip, check out our favourites in the rest of this post.

Pearl Jam 20 Trailer

One of us here at Hipsubscription headquarters have seen every Vancouver Pearl Jam show since 1992.  It goes without saying that we'll go again, and again....and again.  We fell in love with songs like "Alive" and "Jeremy" and have made it a point to get the new material the day it drops.  However, we've always felt a little deprived as there was so little out there to help satiate our minds with Pearl Jam info peripheral to the live shows.  Until recently they did not make videos for the albums subsequent to their first release and rock juggernaut "Ten," and they seemingly abhorred doing any press, leaving the starving fans very few morsels to quench their thirst for knowledge.  With the help of acclaimed director and screenwriter Cameron Crowe, Pearl Jam is opening their vaults and has pieced together a documentary from over 1200 hours of unseen footage, starting at the inception (when they were known as Mookie Blaylock) up until present day.  It is amazing that a modern rock band have survived 20 years together, and having that epiphany has made us realize how old we actually are.  It debuts at the Toronto International Film Festival which starts September 8th, and then to a limited wide release in the fall.  We can't wait for our cup to runneth over.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Draper Media Console

We're not sure what we like more about this...the retro inspired looks or the Mad Men reference in the name.  Either way, it's a winner.  Granted, we're partial due to our large vinyl collection, and it should be obvious from the picture above that a turntable goes best with this.  That being said, we're sure you could get away with stuffing it full of digital equipment.  Urban outfitters has it, and you can get it here.

Urban Cheesecraft - Portland, Oregon

So, people are getting back to basics in the kitchen at home by baking their own breads, growing their own fruit and vegetables, and even raising chickens for eggs.  Now, let's take it a step further and learn to make cheese.  Urban Cheesecraft is selling you a kit that makes making cheese a snap, essentially providing you all the necessary equipment, from the fine cheese cloth and thermometer, to the rennet tablets and citric acid.  All you need do is supply the dairy. We're showing you the Mozzarella and Ricotta kit, but they also offer kits for Paneer, Queso Blanco, and Goat Cheese. However, you must be warned.  Cheese kits are the gateway drugs to cheese making.  If you're not careful you will eventually spends all your free time making triple cream brie's and cranberry Wensleydale's.  Consider yourself warned. You can get more info here.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Wilco - I Might

Off their forthcoming album "The Whole Love," out September 27th. We need not say any more.

Cradle for Adults

This is cool.  We can think of a number of places where this would be fantastic.  For example, how about killing a long lay over at an airport by being able to truly relax, and close out most of the hustle and bustle?  Designer Richard Clarkson, with the collaborative efforts of many others, say that "Cradle is about creating a safe, comfortable and relaxing environment in which the user can dissipate the over stimulation of their senses."  We definitely see how that is a benefit, especially considering how much crap we try and cram into each and every day.  I think we all could benefit with a little stimulation dissipation.  Currently, this is just a design exercise, but we can't see how this won't be put into some sort of production.  More pics after the jump.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Icon of Style - Angelica Huston

Angelica Huston is our IoS this week and was a pretty simple choice for a number of reasons.  First, she is one of those women who is unusually pretty in a really striking and complex way, the kind of beauty that is often called 'handsome' and is hard to find today.  Second, she is a common thread in many of Wes Anderson's movies such as The Royal Tenanbaums, The Life Aquatic and The Darjeeling Limited, all fantastic movies. Plus her proximity to Bill Murray in all those films gives her an extra leg up. All of that as well as her long lasting relationship with Jack Nicholson which spanned many years resulted in a treasure trove of fashionable moments. Her most iconic were in the 1970's and remain timeless to this day. Large felt hats, denim shirts, dramatic eyes and that classic blunt haircut of hers still inspire.   More pics after the jump.

The Glue Ensemble - Teatime at a Funeral (EP)

We discovered these guys through Twitter of all places.  They followed us, so our interest was peeked.  We tracked down their website and had a listen.  And listened.  And listened some more.  It's fair to say they're now on constant rotation in our home.  They have a pretty unique sound, which should serve them well in a market saturated by glossy pop and one hit wonders.  If we had to make an initial comparison, we'd say they reminded us of the Cinematic Orchestra, if CO had more of a roots music bend rather than jazz (if that makes any sense).  Regardless, have a listen.  We've posted the track "Human Resources" for your listening enjoyment, but you can listen to the other three tracks off the EP here. Coincidentally, that's where you can purchase the EP, and at £0.99 ($1.54 CAD) you can't really go wrong.  You can't even get a chocolate bar for that price anymore.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Why the Volkswagen?

We're attempting to answer this question, as 50% of us over here at HS headquarters are obsessed with veedubs.  The simple answer...the name says it all, it's "the people's car." Obviously that answer really tells you nothing...but that is the simple fact.  Everyone understands why marks like Porsche, Ferrari & Bugatti are icons in the automotive sphere, but Volkswagen?  This year at the Barrett-Jackson auction in California, the top selling vehicle was a 1963 23 window VW bus, that sold for a whopping $217,800.00.  Granted, that is a rare bus, and the restoration was impeccable, but it is still only a Volkswagen.  We came across a video (the one above) that nicely explains some of the reasons why these vehicles are so close to people's hearts.  As usual, best viewing results are to be had in full screen.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

K Workstation by MisoSoupDesign

If you happen to be scouring the world over looking for that perfect, uber sexy, environmentally sustainable, and space efficient work station for your home...then your search ends now (however you may have to wait a bit to actually get hands on with it).The K Workstation is made of bamboo laminated plywood that is folded into a curved shape to create both a shelving and a desk space all in one.  It's being designed to come in various configurations, and to be modular so that it will ship in an efficiently sized parcel.  The product is still "in development" so that buys you some time to save your pennies.You can learn more here.

Custom Leather Luggage Tags from OfTheFountain

We're loving Etsy.  So many creative people making great, and thoughtful handmade and bespoke items it's hard to know where to start.  Continuing with our apparent love of the leather craft available on Etsy, we found these lovely leather luggage tags, which of course are available for custom orders.  So bust out that quote book and get ordering.  However, if you're the practical type, you could always just put you name and contact info.  They are available here.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mast Brothers Chocolate

A friend recently returned from New York and with her came the best looking and intense chocolate bar we had ever seen.  We aren't reporting anything new here if you love chocolate and a very authentic process and boutique manufacturing but we couldn't resist showing you all they have to offer. Mast Brothers Chocolate is New York's only bean to bar chocolate factory and is owned and operated by two brothers who's love of chocolate can be felt throughout everything they produce. Their attention to detail, working closely with plantations around the world, patient aging, stone grinding etc. we could be talking about fine food or wine.  The packaging and aesthetic of their space encapsulates a very old fashioned look and you know we love that.  Lucky for us in Vancouver, we can find a selection at Mr.Lees's. More pics after the jump.

Aroma Mortar and Pestle by Alessi

Perhaps the oldest utensil in the kitchen, the mortar and pestle is a design that is very hard to improve upon.  That is of course if you are renowned Finnish interior designer Eero Arneo (see Ball Chair).  Mr Arneo messed with the proportions, shrinking its base allowing for a hand to be securely placed around the base for stability when you are pestling (or is it mortaring?).   Product will be available this fall through all reputable Alessi retailers.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Alita Villas Soori - Bali

Need a vacation?  Try the above.  We've never been, but judging from the photos, you couldn't do much better.  Bali is essentially the perfect vacation, as you can be replenished spiritually (buddhist blessings), physically (great surfing), and mentally (it is a beach vacation after all).  Many pics after the jump.

Aether Apparel

Aether Apparel is designed for those who like technical outdoor wear, but don't like the gaudy colours and over-design of the usual suspects.  Still made with highly technical fabrics, and with the same thoughtful and practical cuts and features, the whole Aether line (both men and women) are replete with winners that you'd be proud to sport as part of your everyday wardrobe, let alone the trail, mountain and water on the weekend.  From jackets to hoodies, swim trunks to luggage, Aether makes a superior product that definitely conforms to the "less is more" mantra.  You can learn more and order online here.

Beastie Boys (feat: Santi Gold) - Don't Play No Game That I Can't Win

If the Beastie Boys were to make their version of Michael Jackson's Thriller video, complete with zombies but added an ass kicking Yeti, and used toys rather than actual actors (similar to Robot Chicken) but didn't waste time with stop motion and simply didn't bother hiding the hands moving the toys; that would be an awesome video.  Oh wait...they did do that?  Sweet! Enjoy this 11 minute opus, and bear in mind it doesn't get good until the 4:30 mark, so be patient.  And if we have to explain why the Beasties are rad, than you wouldn't get it anyways.

Monday, July 18, 2011

One of a Few

Much like our restaurant scene, Vancouver's retail fashion has exploded in the last few years.  We are lucky to have many small boutique stores carrying independent and local designers along with hard to find global labels.  One of a Few is a great example of this type of store.  Located in Gastown in a prime spot on Water St., this open space sells well selected lines such as Wren, Rachel Corney and Gestuz.  If you don't find something in here to your liking then try their sister store next door aptly called Two of a Few where they offer a lot of fashion forward choices for women but also many selections for men as well. More pics after the jump.

Hobo Lantern by Molo

Molo, the brains behind this simple and elegant lighting idea, are a design studio based in Vancouver, BC that is dedicated to the research of materials, and the exploration of space making.  They've designed and manufactured loads of wonderful items, from glassware and lighting, to seating and room partitions.  They're so good at their jobs infact, that they have a dedicated client base all over the world.  Have a look here and see for yourself.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Scrapwood Wallpaper

Believe it or not, the above is a photo of wallpaper.  You may call this fake, or even contrived, but we think the atmosphere that this could lend to a home is too much to resist.  I'm sure if you think hard enough, you could find a room in your home that would benefit immensely from a product such as this. It comes in six different varieties, from old timey cabin on the lake to shou sugi ban.  You can learn more and order here.

One Day On Earth

Shot on single day in 2010 by thousands of photographers around the globe, editor Kyle Ruddick is now sorting through, cutting and compiling over 3000 hours of footage into an epic documentary exploring the diversity of this little speck in space we call earth. As usual, we recommend viewing in full screen.

Odo Yakuza Tokyo

Have you ever actually seen what a Yakuza looks like?  Sure, we've seen the hollywood interpretation of what the Yakuza look like, but have never seen actual Yakuza doing the things they do.  That's because they live a life of secrecy, and haven't had any interest in showing the world their secret society.  Anton Kusters has a remedy for that, in that he has compiled essentially a photo essay in coffee table book form. Not that this topic would or should be interesting to everyone, but Anton has a great eye, and this book is packed full of tightly composed and beautifully wrought photos of the Yakuza.  The book is a personal visual account of the life inside a inaccessible subculture, being a traditional Japanese crime family controlling the streets of Kabukicho, in central Tokyo.  We're not sure how Anton pulled this off, but suffice to say that he and his brother were the only westerners to ever be granted this kind of access.  You can get the book here. More pics after the jump. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Woouf Beanbags

We've posted about stylish beanbags before, but these ones take the prize for being the most creative.  Coming in the form of vintage Marshall and Vox guitar amps, vintage Moog keyboards, and classic suitcases (seen above), these are definitely not your average sloppy beanbag chairs.  They'd look fantastic as a decorative piece stacked in the corner, and when company comes over for a get together you have additional seating.  They're not cheap, hovering around $200 each (plus shipping as they hail from Europe).  You can get them here. Another pic after the jump.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Nooka 360 Wristwatch

From our experience, watch lovers fall into two categories; those who love elaborate (we see complicated) and bedazzled, and those who like simple and understated (we fall into the latter category).  Hence, we get off a little easier when purchasing a new timepiece as the ones we like generally end up being the most affordable.  Having said that, it makes sense that we like the Nooka 360 for all the things it doesn't have.  The only real feature it has (aside from keeping the time) is that the entire watch bezel rotates, allowing one to view the time from any angle.  You can get them online (pre-sale) here, or wait until they drop this September.

Icon of Style - Steve McQueen

We came across the above picture of McQueen above, and loved it so much it inspired us to a.) show it you, and b.) start a regular post with a new Icon of Style replete with photos every week.  In this inaugural IoS post, we give you Steve McQueen.  McQueen was one of the most sought after actors of his day, starring in such classics as; the Great Escape, Le Mans, and of course, Bullitt, whose car chase scene is probably the best ever committed to film.  As if that isn't enough for cool cred, he was an accomplished race car driver and motorcycle racer, the latter landing him in the off-road racing hall of fame.  Unfortunately, Steve McQueen was taken from us too early by cancer, but I'm sure if he were still around, he would be making great film and having us wonder how a man of his age has made it through life with such effortless style.  The picture above could have been taken yesterday, with white denim, snug polo and sockless with sneakers being the current look for summer.  The Persol sunglasses are never a bad choice either, with Persol recently releasing the very same model he is wearing above.  Do yourself a favour, and watch a McQueen flick this weekend.  Our favourites are the three listed above, but you can't really go wrong with any. More pics after the jump.


Spotify, the super popular music streaming service just had it's much anticipated launch in the US.  For us north of the border, we've been figuratively left in the cold, as although Spotify recognizes the value of the Canadian music fan, they have no plans to launch here (most likely a result of our smallish population).  But do not worry, Canadians have an alternative, one that has been up and running for some time now, and is just as good, if not better than the afore mentioned.  Rdio is a very intuitive to use music streaming service that gives you access to a great, and current music library.  Access is gained through a web login, or an app on your favourite smart phone.  If you find this intriguing, you can get a free trial here.  It's $4.99 per month for web access, or $9.99 per month for the unlimited access, which includes the access through your mobile device.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Good teapots are hard to come by, ones that both look good in their presentation and are long lasting.  Well none get more durable and look better than Joey Roth's Sorapot.  Made using the process of investment-casting in stainless steel the same way jet turbines are, this teapot focuses on strength and precision with pyrex and natural silicone as the remaining materials.  All that being said, there isn't really a better way to show off that expensive Jasmine flower tea than with the long exposed centre oh and the packaging.....the packaging is worth it alone.  More pics after the jump.

Intimate Stranger

Swiss self-proclaimed amateur photographer Karlheinz Weinberger documented a youth subculture in Zurich that emerged after WWII and his work was brilliant.  He followed a group of working class teenagers who were disenfranchised with their community and were self-proclaimed rebels.  Weinberger's photography showcased the way these kids chose to lash out at their surroundings by emulating movie heroes from America such as Marlon Brando, James Dean and Elvis.  Both defiant and vulnerable, his work exposes a common teenager regardless of where they are from or what era may be documented.  For the first time in Canada, these photos are exhibited at the Presentation House Gallery in North Vancouver until July 17th (sorry for the short notice).  The exhibition is produced by the Swiss Institute of New York and curated by Gianni Jetzer.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Juan of the Dead

OK...we promise to give you a break on posting videos, but this is totally worth it...especially if you're a fan of Cuban cinema.  That's right, we said Cuban.  We've never seen a Cuban movie before.  Truth be told, we didn't know they even existed. doesn't look like it has the biggest budget ever, but the premise of a Cuban zombie flick is just too much to pass up.

Amon Tobin - ISAM (An Addendum)

A day ago we introduced you to Amon Tobin's ISAM live.  If you enjoyed that, and would like to learn more, the above is sort of a mini "making of" with talks regarding concept to final product.  Having seen this, we are definitely chomping at the bit to see this live for ourselves, and just might make the trip to LA this fall to take it all in.

Sombrilla by Hollie and Harrie

There's really nothing revolutionary here.  That being said, we want every aspect of our lives to have some thought and beauty amongst it...and that includes going to the beach or having a picnic.  With today's solar radiation being like a mean kid with a magnifying glass, one needs to spend more time out of the sun than in it, and therefore having a place of respite to call your own is essential.  Hollie and Harrie have seemingly perfected the art of summer shade, with a modern interpretation of an old idea.  You can learn more (and see alternate ways of erecting) here.

Rethink Table Wine

We have a soft spot for graphic design and as we have mentioned once or twice before, complete career envy for those who brand and deliver great packaging for a living.  A self-promo campaign called Table Wine by Vancouver based Rethink caught our attention for two reasons.  One: The idea and presentation are well done and two: why can't we buy more wine by the jug?!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Amon Tobin - ISAM Live

If you are not aware, Amon Tobin is a Brazilian musician on the forefront of electronic music.  His latest album, Isam, was released in April and he is touring this summer in support of it.  None of this so far is that earth shattering, until you see what the tour is going to look like.  The above is a two and a half minute short film giving you a glimpse at what the tour has is store, filmed at the tour premier in Montreal. We know that electronic music is not everyone's cup of tea, but that being said, seeing the visuals that he's put together for the tour, we're sure they'll make digesting his soundscape just that much easier.  Please watch full screen to get maximum enjoyment from the visuals.  Unfortunately, Montreal was the only North American tour date for the summer, but he is playing LA in October.  Might just be worth a trip.

What time is it? - It's Gun O'Clock!

We assure you that this is real.  Watch the promo above for and explanation, as we can't put into words what this is or even give you a reason why you need it.  We do, however, think it would be really, really satisfying.  You can get one here.

Washed Out - Eyes Be Closed

This song would fall into the category of "chillwave,"  a term coined by the hipster, music nerd, early adopting know-it-all bloggers.  We're not sure of that, or the creation of yet another hyper-specific music genre.  The best way we can describe Washed Out is; a synth heavy and melodic tune you heard the last time you watched a John Hughes movie (Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles).  We're highly recommending it.  As usual, available through iTunes.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Kyle Scully

Vancouver based photographer Kyle Scully caught our attention lately with his ability in capturing seemingly every day people and their worlds.  He describes the subject matter as perhaps mundane but his photos are anything but that.  The light is overexposed, grainy and washed out, giving a reminiscent quality of another era and there is definitely a voyeuristic appeal. One of our favourite pieces is the one shown here, its so quiet and the feeling of contentment mixed in with a little guilty pleasure is captured perfectly.

Recycled Brooklyn

Everybody knows that they need to or should recycle.  That being said, the word recycle seems to only make people conscious of plastics, bottles and paper.  When you stop and think, you really can find alternate uses for almost anything, that is if you are creative enough.  The minds behind Recycled Brooklyn have taken some very used items, and re-purposed them into stylish furniture of all's that for creative?  Take the dining room set pictured above, made from reclaimed wood and used burlap coffee sacks.  It has a great patina, and the coffee sack theme would be perfect in the dining room.  It's far better than being thrown away, or chipped into sawdust, and you have a piece of furniture in your home that has a history...and most likely a history that is far removed from the realm of home furnishings.  Another great pic of a reclaimed door and oak sawhorse desk after the jump.  You can learn more here.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Blitzen Trapper - Black River Killer

If you've never heard Portland, Oregon based Blitzen Trapper, man are you missing out.  But's not too late....we give you one of their best above.  The reason behind unloading this particular band on you is two-fold.  First...they really go under appreciated and deserve better.  Second, they have a new record out in September, and we want to give you the jump on it.  In fact, courtesy of Subpop records, you can go here and download the first single and title track, "American Goldwing."

Pick-Up by Harry Allen

We're always looking for stylish new ways to keep the clutter in our home at bay.  At our front door, in addition to the pile of shoes and bags, we manage to unload our everyday carry of wallets, keys, change, pocket-knives, etc..  Rather than simply leave these items in a hap hazard manner on the shelf by the door, we like the idea of a key caddy.  We think the one pictured above is quite interesting, adding some industrial flair to an otherwise boring item.  We chose to show you the white one, but they come in red, shiny blue, gold and silver.  You can get them here.

Solo Pendant Light

We can't help but have our rock 'n' roll bias creep into our home.  There are the usual rock acoutrements, like framed classic albums (in the iconic album vain), concert bills and posters of notoriety, and now lighting.  The solo pendant light, as you can see above, is a mic.  The mesh top emits a nice soft glow, sure to add some recording studio ambience to the room.  You could tie up a few and create a chandelier, toss it over a chair, or hang over the turntable.  They are available here.

Of note, please use rock memorabilia sparingly in your home. It's perfect for some badass accent pieces, but as a theme it only belongs in the rock and roll hall of fame in Ohio.

More pics after the jump.

Ocean Sky by Alex Cherney

Video art usually leaves us scratching our heads.  That's because a.) we can never interpret the intention of the artist, and b.) it's hard and expensive to hang a continually running piece of video art on the wall.  However, every now and then we latch onto one that needs no explanation or interpretation.  Alex Cherney created this visually stunning piece using over 30 hours of time lapse video of the shore and sky on the Australian coast.  It is definitely best viewed full screen, and in a dimly lit, if not dark, room.  In the grand scheme, we are very, very small.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Plant Pods

So we recently killed off half our succulents in a failed attempt at creative gardening even though they were supposed to be quite easy to maintain.  We blame the vessel. Domenic Fiorello has undoubtedly solved our problem by designing the most architecturally beautiful displays for these minimalist plants.  Made of white oak, these wall displays can house the succulents as one or can be purchased as a collection to showcase all varieties at once.

The Diamond

5 years ago we swear we had never heard of a modern day "cocktail parlour" and we especially weren't aware that we needed hand crafted specialty drinks but here we are. The Diamond in Gastown is one of the best examples of this kind of resurgence in boutique bar tending and in actual fact while it operates as a great restaurant and lounge at night, it also is a bar tending school by day teaching the art of the cocktail. We love the space, a huge open room embodying the essence of Gastown with exposed brick, elaborate chandeliers and huge windows overlooking the busy Maple Tree Square.  With friendly cool staff and a clientele that seemingly runs the gamut from old to young, hip to hooligan and everything in between, we recommend a night of Old Fashioned's, that is if you have 11 minutes to spare while they craft it. 
More pics after the jump.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Loaded Objects Ceramics

We're pretty sure we've seen something like this before...from Philippe Starck if memory serves...but his were gold plated, and as we've stated in the previous post, we're done with gold, silver and platinum.  Now...we want to be clear that we are not advocating violence, or even the ownership of a personal firearm, but simply think that this might be an interesting accent to a room.  Go here, ('s another Etsy store) and have a look at the AK-47 floor lamps, and the 9mm wall sconces.  Put the latter on either side of your front door and we guarantee the door to door solicitations will cease.

Melbourne Metal Collective

Platinum, gold and silver are so done.  We're valuble...we get it.  As a species, we have been getting it for centuries.  I mean...let's face it, paper currency isn't even tied to the gold standard anymore, so why are we hell bent on decorating ourselves with the same shiny metal like we've been doing for 100's of years.  It's time to let our desire for these precious metals go.  Just because it's gold or platinum doesn't necessarily mean that the item is still has to be designed well.  We stumbled upon a jewellery company that seems to feel the same way, and has nixed the shiny usual suspects and has opted for something a little more organic, with a little more thoughtful design.  We like the cuff pictured above, but by no means does this sum them up.  Have a look at some of their great designs 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

This Is Head - 0001

Here's some new music for yah!  It's from Swedish band This Is Head.  They got lazy, and named the tracks on the album chronologically...this is number one.  They are one of the bands to listen to this summer, garnering new fans at every festival date they play.  Have a listen.

Thread Wizard by Ursula Thomson

Sticking with the Etsy theme today, we came across this. Ursula Thomson is a master of the needle point, and has taken to using Americana flash tattoo images as her muse.  Now, we wouldn't normally condone much needle point on the walls of ones home, but think we may make an exception in this case. You can see more here.

Dellamorte & Co. - Tentacle Candlestick

We are loving Etsy these days.  There are so many creative minds out there making wonderful, homemade creations.  Like the creepily awesome gothic tentacle candlestick pictured above.  Dellamorte also makes matching wine stoppers, so that next Ouija Board party you throw will have the atmosphere it needs.  Check them out here.